Discover how I earn $442.81 a month in dividend income and how you can too!

Let Me Teach You How To Make Truly Passive Income Through Dividend Investing 

The 5 Steps Needed to Master Dividends for Financial Freedom and Wealth Growth

What This Program Can Do For You

Unlock Financial Freedom Through Dividends

1. Step-by-Step

Get a straightforward, step-by-step guide that shows you how to choose dividend stocks using real-life examples that anyone can understand.

2. Passive Income

Learn how to build a diversified dividend portfolio that generates steady passive income, allowing you to achieve financial independence.

3. Risk Management

Discover how to manage investment risk ensuring a balanced approach to wealth accumulation while minimizing potential downsides.

4. Accelerate Wealth Growth

Discover strategies to leverage the power of compounding dividends to grow your wealth over time, enabling you to reach your financial goals faster.

5. Build Long-Term Wealth

Understand the principles of long-term investing and wealth accumulation through dividend reinvestment and strategic portfolio management.

6. Monitor Performance

Learn how to track the performance of your dividend investments efficiently, ensuring you stay informed about your portfolio's progress.

Dividend Investing for Beginners Walkthrough

Getting Started

First things first - let's set the scene for this course & what you can expect.

What are Dividends?

What are dividends and how can you start getting paid?

Types of Dividend Stocks

Let's discuss the main types of dividend stocks out there.

The 5 Steps to Dividend Investing

The 5 steps to dividend investing - step by step!

Step-By-Step Guide

Practical examples, from the very beginning from opening an account, to placing a trade & monitoring your results!

Dividend mistakes to avoid

Common dividend mistakes to avoid - learn from my mistakes so you don't have to make the same ones.

A guy behind a computer investing in dividend stocks

Bart Milatz presents a crash course on how you can make money with dividend investing from scratch: 

Without overcomplicating things
Without needing a lot of money
Without high fees
Without taking unnecessary risks
Without complex financial knowledge
Without feeling overwhelmed

Investing in Dividend Stocks Helps You to:

1. Beat inflation

Unlike some savings accounts that may struggle to keep up with rising prices, dividend-paying stocks often increase their payouts over time, protecting the value of your investment.

2. Provide true passive income

When you invest in dividend stocks, you receive regular cash payments without needing to actively manage the investments day-to-day. This passive income offers you stability and flexibility.

3. Make your money work for you

By investing into dividend-paying stocks, you can create an additional source of income, reducing dependence on a single paycheck and improving your financial well-being. 

4. Solution to Time Constraints

Many people lead busy lives and struggle to actively manage investments. Dividend investing offers a passive income solution—once you've built your dividend portfolio, it requires minimal ongoing effort to generate regular cash flow.

5. Relief from Financial Stress

Financial stress is a common concern. Dividend income provides a reliable source of money that can cover expenses or save for the future, reducing financial anxiety and promoting financial stability.

6. Diversifying Income Sources

Relying solely on a paycheck can be risky. Dividend investing diversifies your income sources, providing an additional stream of money that isn't tied to traditional employment. This can protect against job loss or economic downturns.

7. Building Long-Term Wealth

Investing in dividend-paying stocks allows you to grow your wealth over time, even if you have limited funds to start with. Reinvesting dividends compounds your returns, accelerating the growth of your investment portfolio.

Are You Ready to Join Now?

Here's exactly what you're getting...

Instant access to 6 training modules
Lifetime access to all training
Bonus #1: The Psychology of Wealth Building
Bonus #2: Dividend worksheets & resources 
$199 Value
$199 Value
$199 Value
$199 Value

Total Value $796  Todays Price $199

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I'll Teach You Everything I Know

Hi! I'm Bart Milatz, a financial mentor, qualified accountant and dividend stock investor. I would love to be your mentor on your journey to earning passive income from dividends. 

I practice what I preach
Everything I teach is practical, you can implement it straight away
I'm a qualified accountant with also a business degree and a teaching degree
My main source of passive income is from dividends

© School For Wealth. All Rights Reserved. 

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